Luxury Goods and Luxury Brands - all Created! Disturbing atheist billboards.

One of the websites I regularly visit is Answers in Genesis. I enjoy the scientific discoveries and the Biblical viewpoints. I find the site intriguing and fascinating.

As one who appreciates luxury, I am a firm believer in Biblical creation. Yes, I appreciate and patronize the luxury brands Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Bally, Prada, Coach. I have my digital and auto-focus Nikon DSLRs like the D-7000 and my Leica DLux-5. I enjoy my Mont Blanc resin and lacquer pens, as well as my ST Dupont lacquer pen. I deeply enjoy my International Watch Company (IWC) Double Moon Perpetual Calendar pink gold watch (yes, I do have one - what a blessing from God!), plus other IWC and Rolex GMT watches. And yes, all my Apple products I get for myself and my family, from iPods and iPhone 4S's to 3rd generation iPads, MacBook pros, early models to the present.

Among other things, luxury goods share the characteristic that they were all designed, created and manufactured. The fact that they are many times more expensive than the regular items is because they have that extra attention to detail, that extra touch of elegance, that added dash of luxury and appeal, with richer and more lavish materials, and sharper research and development and technology deployment. In other words, Luxury goods are more intelligently and more artistically designed, and more carefully and more skillfully manufactured.

I will not foolishly think that any of these luxury items evolved and came out of nothing on their own! What, that the leather trimming of my Louis Vuitton bag got sewed to a Damier canvas all by itself, after billions and billions of years? That the coating and lining, plus pigments and dyes all combined so evenly to form the impeccable Damier canvas to start with? That somehow all the elements formed a functional zipper on it's own, and all these materials combined in some primordial soup tossed to and fro countless ages until finally arriving at the right combination to result to my finished Louis Vuitton messenger bag? Not in a trillion years!!!

I could make the same analogy for each of the luxury brand items. Truly. And I haven't even started blogging about complicated mechanical timepieces!

Each of these sophisticated luxury items cannot compare to the complexity of a single living cell, that has the programming and the machinery to convert energy from nutrients, that has coded information and machinery to replicate itself! How can a watch with all it's complexity, compare to the immense, incomprehensible magnitude of the actual heavens - the movement of the sun, moon and stars, with all the astronomical speed and interlinked gravitational forces, that it seeks to mirror? How can a shiny, manufactured zipper compare to a DNA molecule with all it's regularity and symmetry, and which holds more than an encyclopedia set of information? The DNA molecule itself screams that it has an encoder. Information written and the ability to read and execute information screams the work and signature of a master designer and master craftsman.

Now to an article that suddenly got me fired to write this quickly. Do you know this is happening in the US? This article compares billboards of creationists and atheists. The unfairness seen here should cause indignation for the American society. The United States was founded on the strength of faith in God. Much can be said and researched about this, but the fact the motto "In God We Trust" has been on the US dollar gives you a very concise history of the faith of the American public and government. (Here is an interesting article I just found on the history of "In God We Trust".)

Anyone who does a decent research on creation and evolution should see that the scientific research and operational science more closely matches and confirms Biblical creation. See a host of articles on this in the Answers in Genesis website.

Take a look at this billboard funded by American Atheists. This demonstrates the lack of deep understanding of Biblical teaching. Slaves were never meant to be treated poorly.

On the contrary, Jesus instructed people thus - "But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you". (Luke 6:27, 28 NASB)
How can anyone who is a follower of Jesus Christ treat a slave badly, since he is not even an enemy but serves you, and he is commanded to do good to even his enemies?! That fact that cultures including the Americans have failed in this regard in the past, does not make the instruction in Colossians wrong. Also, consider the opposite. What if all slaves (employees) today totally disobeyed their masters (employers and managers), is that what the American society really wants? That seems to be what the American Atheists is advocating - No rule of law, no God, no authority.

Last point. Did you catch the note in the Billboards article that the Smithsonian, which teaches evolution and atheism, is government funded using American tax money? Why do atheists get their way and teach the faith of atheism in American public schools? How far from the American society where the majority firmly adhered to "In God We Trust!".

It is with sadness and heaviness that I write this article. And I am conscious that some people could get offended. I apologize, but yet insist to share the unsavory truth. If a few come to faith in Jesus Christ or renew their allegiance to God as a result of this article, then I and the whole heavens will rejoice.

God bless America.

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