IWC Portuguese Perpetual Calendar Double Moon, an untraditional review

A planetarium on your wrist.
The future has already been written.

I believe these are lines that the International Watcch Company, or IWC, have used to promote it's Portuguese Perpetual Calendar Double Moon.

The IWC Perpetual Calendar Double Moon in pink gold. A beautifully designed and elegant watch.

This is a watch that does beautifully represent the cycles in the heavens. Life goes on in cycles. A basic watch does a full cycle every 12 hours. A GMT watch with a 24-hour hand does a full cycle every 24 hours, representing one rotation of the Earth on its axis. A watch with a date cycles every 31 days, to represent the changing of months, and tells you when your paycheck is coming and when to pay bills. A moon phase watch shows the lunar cycle, which goes full circle once in every 29.5 days, and coincides roughly with a lady's monthly cycle, indicates the rise and fall of tides, tells you when to fish or stargaze, and tells you when certain holidays start that are based on lunar calendars.

The moon revolves around the earth once every 29.5 Days approximately. The moon phase of the IWC Portuguese is so accurate it needs an adjustment by an IWC watchmaker of only 1 day in 577.5 years, so no intervention is needed for many generations provided you and your heirs never let the watch stop ticking. And also provided the calibre doesn't need attention from IWC Schaffhausen before that time (Actually, it will. It will need adjustment by one day - on March 1, 2100. Josh please note, and tell your son.). Moon phases photo is from Wikipedia.

A Calendar watch will go through its cycle every 12 months, representing one revolution of the earth around the sun, but will need adjustment every other month to accommodate the different month endings, 30 or 31. An Annual Calendar watch on the other hand, will also go through its watch cycle every 12 months, and will only need adjustment once every year, on March 1.

A Perpetual Calendar watch is even more unique and has longer watch cycles of 4 years, as it accommodates the 4-year cycle for leap years. As the name implies, it can be used perpetually without adjustments, as the watch mechanism is so ingeniously designed that it accommodates the calculations of leap years.

I am fascinated by my IWC Portuguese as aside from being a Perpetual Calendar, it actually shows the year on its face. This reflects the reality that as life goes on in cycles, time marches forward constantly, incessantly, and we cannot turn the hands of time back. The watch can display years up to 2299, and is even supplied with the slide which will allow it to display dates up to 2599. You'll have to bring the watch to IWC again to have the century slide replaced.

The IWC Portuguese Perpetual Calendar Double Moon mechanism. The watch can display years up to 2299, and is even supplied with the slide which will allow it to display dates up to 2599. Photo is from the IWC website.

Are there longer cycles in nature? Yes. Haley's comet is one example with a 75-year cycle. And there are comets with even longer cycles! To one who understands the movement of stars and can recognize constellations, the night sky is very ordered. To the uninitiated, the stars are a random spray of pretty sparkling lights but to the informed, the heavens move as clockwork! You can expect to see a star, a constellation, exactly where it is now, to be in the same place 12 months hence. Indeed this is the very thing celebrated in the IWC Portuguese Sidérale , an utterly exquisite timepiece that aptly states, you have the cosmos in your hands.

To the uninitiated, the stars are a random spray of pretty sparkling lights but to the informed, the heavens move as clockwork! You can expect to see a star, a constellation, exactly where it is now, to be in the same place 12 months hence. Indeed this is the very thing celebrated in the IWC Portuguese Sidérale , an utterly exquisite timepiece that aptly states, you have the cosmos in your hands. Photos are from Wikipedia.

Why is the universe so ordered? So precise in its regularity? The heavens are truly a magnificent timepiece on the grandest scale! Did you know that God said in the first book of the Bible, in Genesis chapter 1:
14 God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them be signs to indicate seasons and days and years,
15 and let them serve as lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth." It was so.
16 God made two great lights - the greater light to rule over the day and the lesser light to rule over the night. He made the stars also.
17 God placed the lights in the expanse of the sky to shine on the earth,
18 to preside over the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. God saw that it was good.

And this is exactly what we find - the heavens indicate for us seasons and days and years. Have you considered that all the stars and constellations are moving away from the earth at incredible speeds, that not only does the Earth rotate and revolve around the sun, but even the galaxy is spinning? And yet with all the movement, everything in the heavens continues as clockwork from our view? We have an awesome and amazing God!

A color image of comet Halley, shown flying to the left aligned flat against the sky
Haley's comet travels around the solar system, then checks-in for its appointment with our sun every 75 years. This is a long cycle, and there is no watch that tracks Haley's comet as of yet. Some people will have the opportunity to see this comet twice. The photo here is from Wikipedia.

Did a simple watch evolve on it's own into a watch with date, then a full calendar watch, then an annual calendar watch, then a watch with moon phase, and then into a perpetual calendar watch? Well, one might be tempted to say so if he was limited to seeing the simple faces of the watches without seeing the internal complexity and understanding the engineering and technology behind the elegant faces. I could even liken this to people believing in the supposed evolution of a simple single-cell organism to complex organisms then eventually to animals and man, before people were opened up to the world of microbiology, before scientists understood the complex biological machinery operating in even the simplest living cells (e.g. the synthesis of nutrients from breaking down food, or the utter complexity of reproduction), before genetic engineering and understanding that the information in DNA is so immense we have not even understood it fully, before the dawn of information technology and comprehending that complex programs need genius programmers for software to cause hardware to execute specific functions.

Did a simple watch evolve on it's own into a watch with date, then a full calendar watch, then an annual calendar watch, then a watch with moon phase, and then into a perpetual calendar watch? Not without master designers and master craftsmen!

Thanks to the clear case back of the IWC Portuguese watches, we know there is much more working behind the simple faces. Each calibre is carefully designed and painstakingly assembled, then tested, to ensure accuracy on our wrists. No, the watches could not do these on their own. With all their engineering beauty and prowess, they are far from capable of reproducing watches and mechanisms. The Swiss craftsmen have not been able to design watches that create other watches of ever increasing complexity by making manufacturing defects that result to improved watches. I haven't seen or met the master watchmakers at Schaffhausen, but I believe they are there. No "dust to designer" evolution for me, I can't comprehend "molecules to man" and let it make sense in light of considering my Perpetual Calendar.

Having appreciated the inner workings of complex watch mechanisms or calibres, I salute the designers, engineers and master craftsmen. Though I've not met any of them personally, I know they're there, and I see their handiwork.

Looking at my watch, I know there are master watchmakers. Looking at the Heavens, I know there is a Master Creator. I have an awesome Father in Heaven!

You can know Him, too. In a personal way!
Read the Gospel of John in the New Testament of the Bible.
Or check out God's way to heaven.
The Creator is a person (just as watchmakers are people). Knowing God is about having a personal relationship. It's not about getting religion - so go ahead, check out the book, or check out the site.

Only with a Master Designer!

P.S, Want to read more about astronomy and God's Word? Want to know the Biblical view or answers to a broad range of topics on astronomy? Get answers here.

- Posted using BlogPress from my MacBook. 
Updated 2023. 

