Singapore Art Museum - unedited Leica D-Lux 5 photos

Enjoyed an early Saturday morning walk at Bras Basah in Singapore. On my way to meet my discipler and mentor at The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf at the corner of Bencoolen road, I would as usual have my taxi drop me off at the Singapore Art Museum.

I've seen the SAM on average at least every week for three years, since I live at Anderson Road which is a short walk from the other end of Orchard, and I worship at Christian Covenant Fellowship at the Grand Cathay. And often times I would meet my discipler at Dome, at the SAM. Yet I consistently get refreshed by the inspiring and pleasing architecture of the SAM.

But more refreshing then the stately architecture, is the privilege to meet with a brother in Christ who has walked faithfully for many years and whose life is radiant with the freshness of seeing God's hand at work in him and through him.

And we are admonished in God's word to do this very thing -
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:24, 25 NIV)

Yes, it's great to have an early Saturday morning walk, passing by SAM, and meeting for coffee and sharing a "cup of life".

PS. Nice to walk around with the Leica D-Lux 5. I readily bring it along on casual walks rather than a big and heavy DSLR. And with the SD card reader for the iPad, it's easy to transfer photos. Some distortion is still evident, but I like the 24 mm wide angle, and the high contrast and extreme versatility on settings gives me confidence that I can get a shot that will make me happy. All the above photos are without post-editing.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad



  1. From my dear friend Dennis, my brother who mentors and inspires me:
    Super like the 3rd photo down, Fred. And yes, SAM is also one of my favorite spots in all of Singapore, old Singapore outside and inside, but every modern amenity. Am always looking out for what they are exhibiting.


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