Roman Architecture in the heart of Singapore; Ancient Structures fascinating

Roman architecture has an undeniable appeal, and that is why it's design features are seen in many public and government buildings around the world, including Asia. I've shown images here of the Singapore Art Museum and the Raffles Hotel, but there are many more examples. In the Philippines, there are a number in the Manila area like the Philippine National Museum that have the unmistakeable look of Roman architecture. Even in Vietnam, when I visited Ho Chi Minh City, the post office had a decidedly Roman architectural appeal. (It would be nice to share photos if I can go through my archives.)

Isn't it interesting that designs made more than 2,000 years ago are still widely used today? This shows a certain brilliance in design.

The Singapore Art Museum (SAM) facade.

Looking beyond Roman architecture, I find ancient structures interesting. For me this includes the ziggurats, temples in Mexico, the pyramids in Egypt, the Mayan temples, the Machu Picchu in Peru, the Angkor Wat complex in Cambodia, etc. Considering how old these structures are, they represent quite a paradox in terms of the displayed skill in design and construction.

The Singapore Art Museum (SAM) from one side.

I came across a fascinating book entitled The Genius of Ancient Man. The premise is quite simple...

If the Bible were true and “If man was made in God’s image, then he was created intelligent. If intelligent, then there should be evidence of this intelligence.
If man gathered at Babel and God confused man’s language as a way to scatter mankind over the earth, then commonalities and a connectedness will be found in all areas of the planet. These commonalities will be displayed in religion, construction, and purpose.”
(Excerpt From: Landis, Don. “The Genius of Ancient Man.” Master Books, 2012-08-23. iBooks. Protected by copyright.)

Indeed this is what you find in archeology and the remains of ancient civilizations - structures that have passed through thousands of years, evidence of genius in design, with patterns repeating across continents, structures that reveal a deep understanding of astronomy, and with design features that are replicated even today.

The Raffles Hotel, Singapore, shop side.

On the other hand if evolution were true, then the early humans were little elevated from apes and were brutish, unsophisticated, incapable of the wondrous structures that dot the globe as hard evidence for people to see. Some have attributed the strange designs and capabilities to aliens, to UFO influence from ages past. But those who take this stand demonstrate a very strong faith in something not seen, not proven, whereas the Bible as God's Word has demonstrated its trustworthiness through analysis as testimonial evidence, through operational science, through demonstrations of medical, natural and scientific understanding beyond its time, through accuracy in archeology, through fulfilled prophecy, through changed lives of countless people down the ages (etc., etc.,etc.). It's much more logical and sound to put faith in the God of the Bible!

The Raffles Hotel, Singapore, from the inner court beside the restaurant.

Another item I find intriguing are Ooparts or Out of Place Artifacts. These are articles from ancient history that seem out of place, usually because the technology they display appear to be too advanced for their time. Ooparts are featured in the book The Genius of Ancient Man.

Machu Picchu in the Peruvian Andes. Photo from the National Gepgraphic website. One of the most well-known ancient structures.

Stonehenge monument in Wiltshire, England shows the builders had an understanding and appreciation of astronomy, and there is still much wonder on how it was built, how the huge boulders were put in place. Photo from the National Geographic website.

The pyramids of Giza in Egypt. Photo from the National Geographic website. These pyramids are colossal structures, and are more complicated than they look, with ingenious design features. The positioning of many pyramids are aligned with certain constellations.

The above three are discussed in the book The Genius of Ancient Man. These structures are huge puzzles when viewed from an evolutionary standpoint i.e, how could those simple people of old, not too far detached from cavemen and savages, build structures with such ingenious and grand designs, using methods that are not even understood fully to this day? But when viewed from a Biblical standpoint, these structures found all over the globe with uncanny similarities in design and with profound co plexity, can be better understood.

Fascinated by the subject? Get even more intrigued and make sense of it all as you read and take an adventure through the pages of the book.

Happy reading!

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