Huge secret palace in China left unexplored; glimpses at ancient genius

An article in Gizmodo "Archaeologists Think Hidden Imperial Tomb May Be Too Deadly to Explore" by Jesus Diaz gives us a glimpse into some fascinating archeology.

The article talks about a secret palace hidden in China's first emperor, Qin Shi Huang's massive burial complex, and how the grounds could be booby trapped in much the same fashion as Indiana Jones movies, thus the reason not to fully explore the palace at this time.

The author himself states "The secret courtyard-style palace tomb is a mind-numbing discovery." He describes how huge the palace is (690 m x 250 m), and how it is guarded by "6,000 (and counting) full-size statues of warriors, musicians and acrobats" - terracota warriors.

Image of some of Qin Shihuang's terracota warriors by contax66/, as published with the Gizmodo article "Archaeologists Think Hidden Imperial Tomb May Be Too Deadly to Explore".

The article goes on to mention giant stone balls in Costa Rica, like the one chasing Indiana Jones in the debut movie, and that "One group of four balls was found to be arranged in a line oriented to magnetic north. This has led to speculation that they may have been arranged by people familiar with the use of magnetic compasses, or astronomical alignments."

Photo from the Gizmodo article.

Reading the article immediately reminded me of a curious book entitled The Genius of Ancient Man. The book explores many of the fantastic and mind-boggling architectural achievements of ancient man, and backs up the creation account in Genesis that God created Adam and Eve with intelligent minds, able to build cities within a few generations. If you are intrigued by artifacts from antiquity, you need to check this book The Genius of Ancient Man, which is available for purchase as a digital download for immediate viewing.

The huge stone balls aligned to magnetic north also brings to remembrance Stonehenge monument in Wiltshire, England, which convincingly demonstrates the builders had an understanding and appreciation of astronomy. Photo from the National Geographic website. What many people don't realize (previously, me included), is that many hedges dot the whole world, and it's still a mystery on how ancient men made these huge stone structures, indicating they had a genius that has escaped modern man.

On a related topic, let me share a great video I've just watched on the facts and fallacies on the evolution of man, and how much of disproved "evidence" is still widely believed and thought of as truth today, the video Ape-Men: The Grand Illusion is available for purchase as a digital download for immediate viewing, and is really an eye-opener. Recommended viewing for people keen on archeology, and those wanting to "dig deeper" and go beyond just common, "accepted" truth.

Blessings on your reading and viewing journeys!

P.S. Want to dig deeper without making any purchase? Check out the wealth of articles on a vast range of topics including evolution, astronomy, anthropology, from this site - Answers in Genesis.

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