Mont Blanc Meisterstück Solitaire Duoé Ballpoint Signum Pen - classic, refined, elegant

This Mont Blanc Meisterstück Solitaire Duoé Ballpoint Signum Pen has been growing on me. It's a classic-styled Mont Blanc Meisterstück pen, but a cut above the classic, all-precious resin pen (it's shown at the bottom in the photo).

The upper refined barrel is made of stainless steel, plated in platinum along with all the metal parts. The bottom half of the barrel is precious resin but instead of being "plain" solid resin, it is engraved with the Mont Blanc emblem giving it an intricate and pleasing aesthetic effect. The bottom of the pen is also etched with the Mont Blanc brand name, very discreet but a very nice added touch that so far I have seen only on this Mont Blanc pen model.

I have to say that when I first held this pen. I didn't like the feel of the etched barrel. But having tried to appreciate the feel better, I now believe it is quite okay. It's not the smooth and solid feel of a lacquer pen, instead it has a unique and light tactile feel. The overall package comes across as classy, refined and elegant.

Now how much is this pen? Not cheap. With all the features described above, it comes out about double a classic Meisterstück precious resin pen, at over nine hundred SGDs in Singapore, and at SGD 870 at Changi Airport. If you've read my previous blogs on Mont Blanc, you'll know you can get this at KLIA at a slightly lower price. Interestingly, because of my contacts I can actually purchase this pen at SGD 750. That's a sizable savings! One worth getting!

If you're in the market for this particular pen, or any Mont Blanc for that matter, would you want to avail of the savings? It could depend on a number of things. Is the savings valuable enough for you?. You might also ask, is it legit? And of course, as this is in Singapore, this is fully legit. Will you have to travel to some far corner of Singapore (not that anything in Singapore is far in the true sense)? The answer is no, the shop, if you have the right contact, is right in the heart of the city. Is it a spurious or tacky shop? Not at all, it's a very classy shop selling high-end luxury products. It's just about having the right contacts. Another question would be - could you trust me, do you believe you can actually save money? To which the answer is yes.

As I was thinking of the above, I couldn't help but relate the situation to deeper life-truths. Do you know that man has a sin-problem? And this affects everyone, no exemptions (yes, you and me included - see Romans 3:23)! The result of this sin-problem- is death (Romans 6:23). And this is not just ceasing to exist, this is actually the second death, eternal suffering in hell (Revelations 21:8). But Jesus Christ has provided the way. We are invited to have eternal life and not to perish:
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. (John 3:16-18 NASB)

But it's not enough just to know the above. You need to respond. You need to receive Jesus as Savior (John 1:12), you need to believe in your heart:
that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. (Romans 10:9, 10 NASB)

Now that you know the above, the same questions as for the Mont Blanc Meisterstück Solitaire Duoé Ballpoint Signum Pen apply. Is spiritual salvation valuable enough for you? It should be, it's your eternal destiny in the balance! Is the above legitimate interpretation of the Word of God? Yes, it is. Do you have to travel far, undergo some difficult ritual to get saved? No, salvation can be had right where you are! Is God's Word trustworthy? Is Jesus trustworthy? Yes, and yes! I can write so much about these, but yes, you can trust God's Word. If you feel the gentle tug of God, why not pray, or cry out to Him right now? And you can start reading the Gospel of John. Write me a short note if you want to get started on your spiritual journey, or if you've just prayed, and want to know what's next.

Back to the Mont Blanc - this is a fine pen indeed. Well worth considering. Especially if you can get it at a great deal.

Happy writing and reading!

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