Pacsafe Camsafe Venture V8 bag, protection for your camera and nice all-around travel bag

I've had the opportunity to get a Pacsafe Camsafe Venture V8 anti-theft camera shoulder bag, and I find it to be a great bag for keeping small and medium-sized camera gear safe and secure. I've been a Pacsafe client for many years and appreciate the thoughtful product features to enhance security and comfort. I find that a number of their products are so unique that Pacsafe is the only brand that makes them, or at least made them widely available, for instance the combination padlock with a long retracting cable, steel cable nets to secure backpacks from theft, etc.

Some of the Pacsafe Camsafe Venture V8 bag features are standard fare for Pacsafe products and are expected - protective cable mesh to ward off slashing, cable-reinforced shoulder straps, main pockets that can be "locked down" with clips to avoid being opened without you noticing it,

Zippered pockets on the Pacsafe Camsafe bag can be clipped when closed.

The clips then retract, so there's little chance they can be opened without you noticing it.

The design of the zipper handles are such that I don't expect them to just break.

In using the bag, I get the distinct feel that it is well designed, with handles in various places that make opening and handling the bag quite convenient. For example the handle on top feels solid and the size wasn't scrimped on

There's a strap on the side that can act as a carry handle, and also gives good leverage when opening the main zippered compartment.

The front of the bag has an organizer partition with pockets for various travel essentials, plus two pockets for memory cards.

The front compartment is large enough to keep a travel organizer or your choice of travel essentials.

The shoulder straps are well-padded at the joint with the bag, adding to comfort in handling. The strap has a buckle that allows you to fasten the bag to a chair or other anchor, to prevent anyone from grabbing your bag and running. The buckle requires that you apply pressure on 3 points, so it won't just get opened easily by other people.

More on the shoulder strap design, the straps are positioned at the back of the bag, so the bag hugs you when carried. This helps to give a more comfortable and secure feel. And you can wear the bag low, like a messenger bag, so the bag can be used for travel in general and not be relegated for use only carrying the camera

For those carrying heavy camera gear for a whole day, you may opt to use this shoulder pad, though I prefer the sleeker feel without it.

There's also an attached rain cover. Something you hope you won't need, but not completely avoidable when traveling. So when it does rain, you'll be happy it's there. When stowed, it provides added bottom cushioning for your gear. And being attached, you won't lose it when the wind gusts on you.

A final comment. The selection of a smooth and soft material was a nice touch. The bag feels strong and sturdy, and yet it is soft and not rough to the skin, a pleasant feature when on the road. So overall, this Pacsafe Camsafe Venture V8 bag is a sound choice for your gear.

Happy travels, and bring home those beautiful, thoughtfully-composed images.

PS. This bag and other Pacsafe products are available from The Planet Traveller in Singapore.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

