Mont Blanc Thomas Mann Limited Edition pen, one of the best to write with

The Mont Blanc Thomas Mann Limited Edition, 2009 Writers Edition pen, is in my opinion one of the best ballpoint pens you can acquire.

Of course a Mont Blanc pen will write superbly, and can sign your precious and high-value contracts with ease. But using a Mont Blanc pen need not be limited to just the writing, but include the statement of confidence and ability you may project as you use one. It could also be simply about the personal satisfaction you derive when using a luxury item, without needing anyone to notice it.

A highly valued pen is a travel companion. Not just accompanying you to different geographies, but also travel with you through time, staying with you for decades, until hopefully you are able to pass it in to your beloved son or daughter or favored niece or nephew.

The outer box (photo on the left) of the Mont Blanc Thomas Mann Limited Edition ballpoint pen.

The inner box (photo on the right) that holds the Mont Blanc Thomas Mann Limited Edition Writers Edition pen, that comes in the form of - what else, a book! The accompanying booklet is at the back.

What's so great about this particular Mont Blanc pen? Read more about it and check the photos from my past blog article on the Mont Blanc Thomas Mann pen. Key points for me are it's art deco style design using black lacquer material with an inlaid pattern, its hefty size and weight that make writing easier, the big Mont Blanc emblem, all contributing to a flashy yet refined look that is well at-home in board meetings, along with the smooth feel to the fingers as you write with it.

But why buy an ultra expensive pen that you would hardly use? The answer is then - to use it!

But what would I write about, you might ask. Paul, in his letter to the church at Philippi, wrote:
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. (Philippians 4:8 NIV)

A worn, used Bible, a pen that inspires you to write, a nice journal like a Moleskine that motivates you to keep what you've written, make for a great combination!

How can you keep your mind on things noble, worthy of praise? Write about them! When you have blessings, wonderful experiences, answered prayers, journal them! Then they will be preserved for future use, to lift you up when you face difficult situations. To help you remember God's grace in your life. To tell as stories to your children's children.

Paul also tells us... Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6, 7 NIV)
So another thing to write about is our prayers. Specific prayers. Then we will be joyous as we see God answering our various prayers. And in the meantime, we can enjoy the benefit if peace of mind as we lift up our prayers to God.

Where can you find the Mont Blanc Thomas Mann pen? You'll have to really look around. And if you find it, just grab it! It's getting to be very difficult to find. But here's a tip before I end. Some shops, once you've built rapport, can give a 10% discount on even, yes- this Limited Edition pen! That's not a bad piece of savings!

Okay, that's it for now.
Happy writing!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

