Sonya's Garden, a beautiful and delightful day-vacation destination in Tagaytay, Philippines

Sonya's Garden is a beautifully decorated refuge with English-styled gardens, bright and colorful flowers all around, many water fountains to create soothing ambient sounds, and a delightful restaurant.

Sonya's Secret Garden coffee table book. A bright, colorful and cheery book to have around, filled with the things Sonya loves. If you are blessed to catch her for a book signing, she will add a special message, sign and add a paraffin seal, then arrange a special herb garden tour for you. My wife was excited when we got our copy and Sonya was there to personalize it.

The restaurant serves a set course of organically grown garden salads with homemade salad dressings and select garnishing, pasta with different sauces to suit each palette and a generous variety of pasta ingredients, then desserts and tarragon tea. One of my favorites is the dalandan juice, a local citrus variety and very refreshing. For each course, including the juice (dalandan is known to some as dalanghita and santones to others.), you can have as much servings as you'd like. But don't look for something that's not part of the set menu, as you won't get it, not even a cup of coffee. When you decide to dine here, just sit, relax, and enjoy the food and the ambiance, and the company you love.

A trip to Sonya's Garden would not be complete without at least one photo along the garden path. Here is my wife with a very good friend of ours.

I was happy to learn that Sonya's Garden now has its own website. And I have to say, the write-ups on the site are lovely, giving a history and of the place and everything you'd need to know. Here's the first paragraph of the introduction from the site, which is worded so well....

Time was when rumors of a secret garden tucked in the gentle rolling hills of Tagaytay inevitably sneaked into conversations of Manila’s inner circle on what is new and exotic. Stories were told in awe and delight about a flower garden planted in “organized chaos” yet soothingly pleasing to the eye, as if choreographed with artistic perfection. And then there is the simple yet incredibly filling country cuisine with fresh and organically grown ingredients from the garden, served in fine tableware that complements the idyllic setting. Then there is Sonya herself with her memories of growing up in her grandmother’s country garden in the Philippines, her life as an expat in Europe and the US, and her dreams of carving out a place in the country where she can live her philosophy on “the art of doing nothing”. (Reprinted from Sonya's Garden website.)

I admit to a bit of personal pride in being one of those who discovered Sonya's Garden early on. And just as we got to know it through friends, as it had no advertising and its popularity grew through simple word-of-mouth of happy experiences, we passed on our delight at Sonya's Garden to other friends. Back then, Sonya's Garden was limited to a few cottage rooms and small tables for dining, plus the country store. You couldn't simply show up without a reservation, as the place would be constantly full. And at that time, people were supposed to be done with dinner by 7pm, as Sonya wanted her garden back to enjoy for herself, in peace and quietness.

The Favorite Finds store at Sonya's Garden.

Over the years, we've come back to Sonya's Garden more times than I can count, and it would always be a pleasant and refreshing visit. My wife and two teenage kids love it there. We've brought my Mom and sister, my brother and sister-in-law who live in Mississippi, USA, my American brother-in-law and my wife's sister, we've brought friends, and we've had a family clan lunch with majority of our cousins when we had a joint vacation at Canyon Woods.

The Bed and Breakfast houses nestled amidst thriving gardens, are richly appointed for very interesting overnight stays.

We've seen the place grow over the years to increase its dining areas, then have large dining halls with indoor gardens to accommodate wedding receptions, then have bed and breakfast facilities for overnight stays, breakfast becoming available even without an overnight stay, then have a small spa beside the B&B, then the quaint Panaderia or bake shop, more bed and breakfast facilities, a bigger and more private spa complex along with a shop for spa items, a Favorite Finds store where you can bring home items to furnish your home a'la Sonya's Garden.

Entrance to the Favorite Finds store at Sonya's Garden.

My wife, our dear friend and I at the Favorite Finds store at Sonya's Garden.
Items you see around the store, fancy table settings, decorative China, paintings, the aparador, sofas, chandeliers, etc., are all available for purchase.

Going for a stroll in Sonya’s Garden is a path leading to many discoveries. Guests are pleasantly surprised to find something new and exciting brewing amidst the greenery, another secret waiting to be discovered. Many have stumbled upon the Panaderia by following the scent of fresh dough baking in the oven. Behind its wooden doors is Sonya’s pastry shop where familiar aromas linger. (Reprinted from Sonya's Garden website.)

For us, a trip to Sonya's Garden would be incomplete without taking home freshly baked Spanish bread from the Panaderia, plus pan de coco, a local favorite of bread with a coconut filling.

The Spa areas have grown much from a designated area to a couple of small rooms, to a complex with a spa reception area, a shop, and various rooms for spa personal time that are hidden away from the common areas via a path.

I'm glad to note that as Sonya's Garden has grown in size and span, it has kept the beautiful character that has made it a sought-after place from the start.

Sonya's Garden is a beautiful venue to have a special lunch or dinner date with your wife [Men, we should purposely date our wives, and at times that means going without kids or friends, just as when we were first courting - Let your fountain be blessed, And rejoice in the wife of your youth. (Proverbs 5:18 NASB)].
Sonya's Garden is also a choice place for girlfriends to spend time, as they especially love the salads and tarragon tea [And ladies, enjoy the girls' time with these verses: Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored. (Titus 2:3-5 NASB)]

And Paul gives this instruction that we should let our minds linger and lounge on the beautiful things in life - Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. (Philippians 4:8 NASB)

Sonya's Garden is just the place to get those lovely thoughts going

Tip: On a Saturday, I would leave before 4pm, to have a pleasant drive back to Manila and avoid the procession of cars from Tagaytay, Batangas, Cavite and elsewhere. On a weekday, there would be more latitude as there are less cars coming from holiday trips.

PS. I would rank Sonya's Garden as one of my Top Ten, or Must Visit places and activities in Tagaytay. As visitors, let's do our part to keep the place clean and serene, and a venue to go back to.

For reservations or driving instructions, check the Sonya's Garden website.

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