Free eBook - Best Evidences. Read how Science and the Bible uphold Biblical Creation. Get it now.

Want to know more about the science that backs Biblical Creation? Here's a great offer on a concise yet powerful resource:
a free eBook entitled
A Pocket Guide To . . .
Best Evidences
Science and the Bible refute millions of years

Special Offer!
FREE eBook Best Evidences Pocket Guide eBook
Use code EBFREE

This offer is available until April 21, 2014 only (U.S. time).

Sections in this book include:
A. 10 Best Evidences from Science that point to a young Earth.
This bring to the front scientific evidence with verifiable data. Many think that belief in a young Earth is simply taken by faith alone. However when you examine the scientific evidence, you can decide for yourself whether it is more logical, more scientifically sound to believe in a young Earth or believe in a 4-billion year-old Earth. This sections lets you consider, with fascinating photos and clear diagrams so even the non-technical person can easily grasp the evidences.

B. Astronomy and a young Earth. Recent discoveries and greater understanding of astronomy supports a young Earth! This section looks at the recession of the moon from the Earth, comets and what explains them, rapid star aging, and spiral galaxies.

C. The appearance of Age - how old does the Earth look? A discussion on Uniformitarianism and catastrophism. This includes a striking image of a canyon system with 100-foot high cliffs that bear much similarity to the Grand Canyon, yet they were formed in only one day, when Mount St. Helens in the U.S. erupted in 1980! This shatters notions that the Grand Canyon necessarily took millions and millions of years to form.

Photo from the eBook a Pocket Guide To... Best Evidences. A canyon system with 100-foot high cliffs formed in just a day when Mt. St. Helens erupted.

D. Science or the Bible?
Is it one or the other? Is there really a dichotomy or are they actually compatible? Here you'll learn the difference between operational science and origins science. And from the earlier sections, you'd already have realized that operational science confirms the Bible and a young Earth.

I hope you make use of this special offer.
It's good until April 21 only
. Make sure to use the code EBFREE to get it for free.
After April 21, you'll have to pay for this book. Which is still okay... I paid for this book when I got it :)

Happy reading!

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