INSPIRE Antarctica Expedition (IAE3) with Robert Swan - Photobook now Available!

Antarctica. It immediately conjures images of ice and snow, at once a mystery, a harsh inhospitable, white-washed land. Yet to those who know it, who have become intimately acquainted with it, Antarctica holds a special beauty. It is a land that beckons to be visited, yet calls only the most courageous of voyagers. It's environment and wildlife, mostly unperturbed by man, pass time in a kind of serene Shangri-La of Lost Horizon fame, from the 1933 novel. And as such Antarctica draws it's visitors to awe and inspiration, to catch a glimpse of that mythical place, encouraging one to tread lightly, to leave few footprints and not much anything else. And it bestows on travelers who are fortunate to have reached her inner sanctum, a secret desire to return to her presence.

Antarctica offers tranquil views of expansive untouched wilderness, unseen elsewhere.

Such is the attraction of Antarctica. It is the last remaining, unspoilt wilderness on Earth. It is the driest, windiest, coldest and cleanest continent, and it holds 70% of the world's freshwater locked up in all it's ice! It is estimated that if all the ice in Antarctica melted, the worldwide sea level would rise by 65 meters! It is therefore a heritage of our planet. One to be cared for, and passed on to future generations.

Spectacular icebergs abound in Antarctica, and they come in - surprise - not just white but delicate hues of color from emerald green to sapphire blue. About 70% of the world's freshwater is held in Antarctica's ice.

I am blessed to have been chosen to join the Inspire Antarctica Expedition 3 - from February 13 to March 2, 2005. Desiring to recapture and memorialize that voyage, I've created this photo-book and entitled it "A Journey Into Ice" (c). It recounts the fantastic adventure of the IAE3 Team with Robert Swan and the Inspire staff. It gives my personal insights and stories.

But it is not my story alone as it reprints the best of the live web updates by the IAE3 team while on the journey, memorable quotes from team members, and it displays awesome photographs of the unmatched scenery, wildlife and action shots chosen from among my personal photos and the best photos of the team.

The book has a biography of Robert Swan, O.B.E., the first man to walk to the North and South Poles. Walked! As in, unaided by sled dogs or motorized equipment! He completed the intentions of the early Antarctic explorers, and so imagine the tremendous feats of dreaming, sharing the dream, planning and organizing,to accomplish his goals. Robert is an infectiously driven yet light-hearted man. It was a privilege to journey with him, and be a student of his Leadership On The Edge training program.

Robert's INSPIRE! 10-Point Leadership Framework is reprinted here. Reason enough to get this book. Succinct yet profound, these are just as relevant today as when Robert first penned them. Like #1 If You Can Dream It, Do It! And #8 Commit and Stay Committed.

The book is packed with features. The web updates are intriguing while informative. Like the story of when we were at the site of the Swedish Njordenskjold Expedition with Captain Larsen. We were at the very longitude and latitude in the sea where in February 12, 1903 the ship the MV Antarctica was lost to ice that locked-in then broke the ship, sinking it. Robert used this gripping story of survival and rescue, along with those of other early Antarctic explorers, to impart invaluable lessons on leadership and teamwork.

We visited Paulet Island, where the crew of the MV Antarctica sought refuge, walking over 40 kilometers of ice to reach the island! When our IAE3 Team navigated from the spot of the shipwreck to the island on February 23, 2005, there was nowhere the amount of ice that Captain Larsen and Otto Njordenskjold encountered!

Seeing the 100-year old makeshift shelter on Paulet Island built by the crew to survive, and the cross they erected for their sole fallen team mate still standing. stirred deep emotions of awe and respect from the IAE3 team.

This is a book of my own journey and that of the Inspire Antarctica Expedition 3 - 2005 Team. With lots of stunning photos, from the Hotel Del Glaciar in Ushuaia, the hike up Glaciar Mountain, the journey aboard the MV Ushuaia.

The book also has photos of the IAE3 team touring the Argentinian corvette, the Uruguay, which was extensively reinforced to partake in the rescue mission for the Njordenskjold Expedition, and which is now a maritime museum. Plus photos from landings at islands of the Antarctic Peninsula like King George Island and Bellingshausen, Whaler's Bay, Deception Island, Paulet Island, Paradise Bay and at Brown Bluff, the Antarctic mainland. And the web log updates talk about landings at Charlotte Bay, Portal Point, Neko Harbour and Cuverville Island.

The IAE3 Team and Inspire! Staff are all shown, like a graduation book.

The immersive sojourn to Antarctica left me with a deep sense of having taken part in a profoundly extraordinary journey. Of having shared a uniquely rare adventure. And it is one that is not to be forgotten.

To have a deeper gaze into Antarctica, to peek behind the shroud of mystery and the haze of ice and snow, check out this book!

"We had pierced the veneer of outside things.
We had suffered, starved and triumphed,
groveled down yet grasped at glory,
grown bigger in the bigness of the whole.
We had seen God in his splendors,
read the text that nature renders.
We had reached the naked soul of man."

--- Quote from Sir ERNEST SHACKLETON ---
Polar explorer who led three British expeditions to the Antarctic, and one of the principal figures of the period known as the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration. In January 1909, he with three companions established a Farthest South record 97 miles from the South Pole.
From Wikipedia.

To ORDER A COPY of this beautiful book, please leave a comment with your email address, and I will contact you directly. (Comments on book purchases WILL NOT be published.) The book is 40 pages, hard bound, and the cover size is 21 cm x 28 cm.

Each book is individually and expertly printed and bound by Photobook Global in your country or the location nearest you. Price for the book is dependent on the charges from Photobook, including shipping.

If you are an IAE3 Team member, then Hello! I can customize this book for you, adding more of your own photos, making it more of your own. I'd want you to have this keepsake.

If you are from any IAE batch or have had a personal trip to Antarctica, you will find this book meaningful to relive your own journey. Please LEAVE A COMMENT WITH YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS to order the book. (Comments on book purchases WILL NOT be published.)

Keep On Journeying!

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