Exciting New 12-Part Video on Science and Creation!

A major new production with spectacular imagery has just been released - Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis. If you are a fan of science and creation, then you've got to watch these videos. Check out the link to official webpage here.

All images from Unlocking The Mysteries Of Genesis are from the Institute For Creation Research webpage.

The 12-part video series covers all major topics of interest and debate on the subject of creation and evolution. Is it possible that there truly is a God of the Universe who created everything? Isn't this against everything we've learned in science classes? Is it even logical to believe in Biblical creation?

If you want to investigate on your own, then check out the video clips. If you are a fan of National Geographic, Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, then you have to watch these videos which come from a Biblical foundation, instead of a humanistic, evolutionary foundation. (Hey, even if you're a Star Wars fan or a Star Trek or Cosmos fan, get this video series!)

All images from Unlocking The Mysteries Of Genesis are from the Institute For Creation Research webpage.

Notice that I don't contrast a Biblical foundation and a scientific foundation. In reality, there is nothing unbiblical about doing straightforward operational science. And there is nothing unscientific about studying and believing in the Bible. However, taking a stand on naturalistic (I.e. no supernatural, I.e. no God) evolution, now that is clearly unbiblical! To better understand Operational Science and Historical or Origins Science, check out this link.

If you haven't studied the facts and arguments, then your belief system, including your belief in God or belief in evolution and perhaps an atheistic stance, are the result of external influences - What you were taught when you were young, what your school believes in, the beliefs held by your parents or those you hold in respect and authority, the commonly held beliefs by the masses. This acceptance without personal evaluation has been termed "The Unexamined Life".

Well and good if nothing was at stake. But what if your eternal destiny was at stake? What if there actually is a God who will hold you accountable once your days on Planet Earth are over, and you pass from physical life to physical death? What if you had a spirit, a non-physical consciousness that survives after your body no longer functions? What if you miss out on something beautiful and wonderful beyond your comprehension, and exchanged it for a horrible eternity of suffering, simply because you believed "others", without coming to your own conclusions? That would be a terrible loss.

All images from Unlocking The Mysteries Of Genesis are from the Institute For Creation Research webpage.

Take this opportunity to discover more, and come to your own conclusions.

A lot of topics in this video series excite me. And one of those is coverage on the Mt. St. Helens eruption in the U.S. in 1980, which was one of the most anticipated and most studied volcanic eruptions in history. And the result? Many of the geologic features observed and formerly assumed to take millions of years were created by the eruption in a matter of days or weeks! Fascinating realities!

Check out the video clips from the Institute For Creation Research here. And order your video copies. For a limited time, they are available at a 15% discount. A great deal. International orders are not yet being accepted, but I've checked with ICR and will post an update soon.

Happy viewing!

If you've watched the videos, let me know what you think.
Bye for now.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
