Are We The Generation Of The Walking Dead?

Zombie Nation. Is that what we've become? Yes, the 10k zombie runs make the endurance event more exhilarating, higher calorie-burning. Sure, we've been captivated as a worldwide audience by the TV series with its screams and churns. And by the slew of zombie-themed movies that catered to our fascination for biters.
And even prior to the TV series, the more fun-loving among us have been entertained by the Left 4 Dead shoot-em-up game series, playing it for hours to reach the next Safe House or be rescued.

But none of these hit on the concern I want to raise.

Photo from the internet, of a scene from The Walking Dead TV series.

Then am I flagging how the pervasiveness of Social Media and virtual connectedness is imposing on the populace a lack of traditional connectedness? Is this about wanting people to actually engage with the people around them, look into their eyes and talk, rather than being wholly distracted to live and breath on their iDevices to see what people they hardly know, who live a city, a country or a continent away, have to say on a subject that didn't really concern them 10 minutes earlier?

Funny and curious photo from the internet, positing that people's lack of connection to their immediate surroundings make them the real zombies.

No. What I believe is intriguing is that we are being asked by some affluent and educated members of society to accept that WE ARE THE ZOMBIES! And we have welcomed their shows, programs, books and videos into our homes, our minds.

Who are innocuously telling us that we are the walking dead, so much so that many have accepted and embraced it? It's the popular media, and many vocal scientific and academic circles. How are they getting the message across? By telling us that we are all the product of mindless, chance, naturalistic evolution.

How sensible is it really, to believe that the stars, the sun, the planets, the Earth and our moon, the plants, the animals and people all formed as a result of a mindless mechanism of naturalistic evolution? How incredulous is it to believe that animals like dinosaurs (large reptiles) and mammoths and sharks and whales all of which have eyes, ears, noses and some animals of which have amazing, astounding specialized capabilities, all descended from common ancestor like sponges and leafy plants? That intelligence and design complexity sprouted by itself from, basically - gas molecules? Most people don't realize it, but belief in evolution is an act of the will, an act of faith, and is not based on personal experience or one's own learnings.

Image of the Eagle Nebula. Are we to just believe that supposed interstellar gas clumped and fused together inside an intense vacuum to form stars, then generate denser materials to form planets, by themselves, contrary to known observations from science?

So what if people teach naturalistic evolution? What is the connection? How does that relate to becoming the Walking Dead?

Accepting the teachings on Evolution must be done as an act of faith, like a religion. It is not the result of observational science, of Operational Sciences, but of a naturalistic worldview applied to Historical Sciences. Objective operational sciences more readily support belief in God and the Bible. Click the link to discover more.

Proponents of naturalistic evolution take the position that there is no God, that there are no such things as spirits, or any non-physical reality. Now I have shown in the preceding link that belief in God is more logical, more consistent with the observations from Operational Science. But it has to be further pointed out that the one who espouses a naturalistic view, to be consistent, must also be a Physicalist, whether a reductive or non-reductive physicalist, he must believe that there is only the physical realities, what can be seen, touched, felt, and that there is not even such a thing as a soul or a mind!

Ad for The Walking Dead TV series. Are people actually mindless, organic machines that Physicalists and Naturalistic Evolutionists would have us believe?

Did you catch that? Advocates of naturalistic evolution would have us accept that people are all zombies, walking dead, with only the illusion of a self or a mind, but are actually devoid of any true selfhood outside of a brain creating illusions of a self. They would have us believe we are like walking chairs, pieces of wood with no personal identity, no future plans, no lasting individuality.

Is that a valid proposition, that Physicalism is real, and that Naturalism holds true? I think I have a self, I believe I have a mind! And that others do as well. Most every other person would think the same of themselves and people.

But apart from intuitively knowing that we have minds, a non-physical self apart from the physical organ of our brain, Dr. William Lane Craig has outlined four reasons to believe so.
1) We have self-identity over time. Such would not be the case if our brains were only producing electrochemical brain states and illusions of a self.
2) We have intentionality, or intentional states of consciousness. A physical object wouldn't have intentionality, just as a chair doesn't intend to up-cycle into a throne or want to be released of the burden of always being sat on.
3) We have free will. We can decide to think about something and then redirect our thoughts to something else. It's not just about brain states causing us to think in a certain way.
4) We have the capability of mental causation. We can think, decide, then do something.

To read the full discourse of Dr. William Lane Craig on why it is reasonable and more logical to believe we indeed have souls and minds, just as we apprehend that we do, click this link.
You may also listen to this as a podcast via this link.

Given this dilemma, you either agree that it is logical and reasonable to accept that you have a mind, a soul, or you think that everyone is part of the Walking Dead, and not just the Zombies.

And when you accept the conclusion that we are not zombies, then it's time to start searching for the true meaning of life. You can start by reading the Gospel of John.

Happy walking! And truly living!
