Halloween - Hell Night, And We Thought It Was All Just Cute, Fun and Harmless!

Halloween, Trick or Treat! Kids love it! And why not, they get to parade around in troops dressed in fancy costumes that Dad and Mom bought them, they knock on doors and stores of spookily decorated houses and shops, and they get buckets of candies and different treats! And many a Dad and Mom unsuspectingly participate, helping their young kids into ghoulish costumes and masks, thinking it's all cute and harmless. They want their kids to have fun, so why not? And shop owners and mall promoters, wanting to draw in kids and their parents, go out of their way to organize Halloween activities. But it's not all fun and games, as there is a dark, sinister reality behind this, and downright evil can result from participating in Halloween activities. Listen to this podcast and hear how scary this truly is: Prophecy Hour End Time Radio By Messiah's Branch - Unmasking Hell Night!

Prophecy Hour End Time Radio By Messiah's Branch - Unmasking Hell Night! was posted October 23, 2014 by Pastor Dan Catlin. It features Rev. William “Bill” Schnoebelen, who prior to coming to Christ spent 16 years teaching witchcraft, spiritism and ceremonial magic. He was an occult high priest and former satanist, so he speaks from the position of someone who knows, first hand.

I don't agree with everything stated in the podcast, but the insights on Halloween are very deep, and scary. Some of the points covered, I've learned about previously. Many Christians and followers of Jesus have learned about the pagan origins of Halloween and Trick or Treat, and have made decisions not to participate. I've done the same. But over the years, there is a tendency to soften ones stance as you yearly see all the cute kids dressed in costumes, and you start to think that it's not too bad. But listening to this podcast has renewed in me a deep aversion for anything Halloween.

Here are some key points from the podcast.

It originated in the British Isles, and was a pagan practice that involved animal and human sacrifices and the conjuring of spirits. Over time, it was whitewashed and "Christianized", to become the eve prior to All Saints Day in the Roman Catholic church, but clearly Halloween is not anything Christian.

When America was founded, almost all the colonies were Bible-believing and Christian, and Halloween was outlawed in America. Today, with all the commercial promotions, Halloween is as big as Christmas!

Sample posters promoting Halloween to kids, making fun of a night when demonic influences are heightened, and egging kids to dress up in costumes and put in masks of evil.

Masks and costumes go back to ancient, pagan Greece where masks and costumes were used in dramas to portray their gods. Persona is the Greek word for mask, from which the English word personality comes from. So putting on a mask was a way to take on the persona of a deity, and putting on a mask of evil is a way that a child can take on the persona of evil.

Bill relayed his personal experience one Halloween night of seeing a vision of frightening numbers of leathery bats with ruby red eyes, and hearing an unclean and frightening shrill. It terrified him. And that experience led him down a path of curiosity for aliens and haunted houses, then the occult, then eventually led to becoming a witch.
In Bill's experience, being out and participating in the Devils night of Halloween made him more vulnerable, and sadly resulted to half of his life being deeply involved in the occult.

This story is uncanny for me as I had not heard of any account of large leathery bats with ruby red eyes except in the Circle Trilogy books of Ted Dekker. Scary to think of how some of the analogies in the book closely mirror realities in our world. The book is really good reading, and the parallels in real life are deep.

Back to the podcast, it was shared that in the US, little kids disappear right before Halloween never to be found again. Human sacrifices still happen on Halloween night! And there are so many symbols and characters in Halloween that openly glorify the occult.

Knowing all these, the question is - why subject our kids to heightened vulnerability to evil? No way! We need to be very quick to protect our kids and avoid any vulnerability to evil.

Listen to the podcast Prophecy Hour End Time Radio By Messiah's Branch - Unmasking Hell Night!.

Let me then leave you with this positive note. Jesus said in the Gospel of John 16 verse 33:
I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.] (John 16:33 AMP)

Bye for now.

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