iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus? Make that choice!

Can't decide between the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus? Here's some info that can help you make that choice. I was on the same boat and so delayed shifting from my iPhone 5s. Although another issue was the availability of phones in Singapore, plus being out of Singapore for quite a while, I was in no hurry since I couldn't decide which one to get. Here are the factors that made things clear for me.

The iPhone 5s on the left and the iPhone 6 Plus on the right. Big jump in size! Though I initially had some concerns on the "bigness" of the Plus, it actually turns out to be quite nice!

My biggest concern on the Plus was the big size. would it be too big to pocket? As a guy I always have my phone in my front pants pocket. In addition, I always had a second phone in my pocket - a business phone or a Philippine phone. Would it be too big, too bulky? At first I saw guys putting their Plus'es in manbags and I thought that defeated the purpose of always having the phone handy. You'd miss calls if your phone was in your bag, just as my wife would miss calls and I end up having to call several times! (similar experience, guys?) However after men got used to it they started putting the Plus in their pockets anyway. And the significant slimming of the phone helps in this regard. So the concern on size? Nullified.

The biggest attraction of the Plus was the big size! It has to be recognized, the bigger size is indeed a plus (pun inescapable)! The bigger size makes viewing AND editing photos easier, more beautiful. For eyes now straining for reading glasses, the bigger browser and text sizes are a relief! iBooks look nicer and are more convenient to read with the Plus. And for those who watch videos unceasingly on their phones, the bigger screen is just more enjoyable.

The iPhone 6 Plus has landscape view features in Messages and Calendar that are not available on the iPhone 6. This translates to more information at a glance, more options and easier multi tasking.

Battery life is much longer on the 6 Plus. My friends tell me the battery can last for 2 to 3 days depending on usage, while the 6 needs the usual daily charge. A nice enhancement.

And as advertised by Apple, the 6 Plus has optical and digital stabilization for the camera, while the 6 only has digital stabilization. According to those who have tested this feature, the result is that you get more stunning and clear photographs.

All the above features for an additional S$180? Worth it!

The iPhone 6 Plus is therefore the clear choice for me. And I'm happy I made that choice. But depending on how you value the elements above, you make the call for yourself!

Was there something else that swayed your decision? Let me know. And let the readers know. Post a comment.

If you enjoy high technology and well-designed products, then you must be a creationist. Makes good sense. Would you believe that an iPhone 5s could change itself to an iPhone 6 Plus, given enough time. Say 5 billion years? Absurd? Yes. But wait - that's because the iPhone isn't alive. Therefore the supposed phenomenons of upward evolution and spontaneous generation of complex intelligent code cannot apply, let alone survival of the fittest. But then again, how much more research, development, design and engineering will have to go into production of an iPhone that can replicate itself and even improve itself! That would truly be a designers feat! Can wait to buy that iPhone model!

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All the best!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
