Go to Changi T4 for a taste of modernity, and Old Singapore

Singapore keeps renovating its new airport facilities, so they always look newer. But the latest addition is Changi T4. And it gives a refreshing throwback to earlier years, while having a lot of modern features. 

Here is the fleet of check-in terminals to print your boarding pass. 

Here are the modern check-in facilities. 

The bag handling makes it easier for both passengers as well as the airport staff. It’s more ergonomic as you don’t have to lift heavy bags anymore. 

The automated immigration counters are no longer limited to long-term pass holders of Singapore, you just need to be a registered Traveller. 

If you have a departing guest, you can go up to the Food Emporium and for the first time there is a view into the gates where you can view the people leaving on flights. 

Inside T4 the Old Singapore Look is highlighted. Traditional SG shophouses are displayed on top of the restaurants and shops. The decor is a mix of digital and fixed furniture, so it’s not a static decor. It’s really neat, as you’ll see people inside the shop houses preparing for their day, or coming home. Some “stone walls” are also digital, so you’ll see digital birds flying around, or the stone facade will morph into something else. 

My favorite restaurant there is the Heavenly Wang. Here is a painted wall mixed with real, old stuff. 

The feel of the restaurant transports you from Changi to an old, nostalgia-bringing coffeehouse. 

If you have the opportunities to go to Changi T4, take it! 
